Stoneham Ski Trip This is a test form Stoneham 2023 Trip Application Ski Atlantic Seniors Club 2023 Stoneham Trip Room and Ski Package Application Number in Party * 1 2 Applicant * Applicant First First Last Last Phone * Member # Address * Email * Lift Option * 4 Days (included in package)5 Days (add $69)Non-Skier (deduct $277) Roommate Roommate First First Last Last Roommate Member # Lift Option 4 Days (included in package)5 Days (add $69)Non-Skier (deduct $277) In case of emergency we require the name and phone number(2) of a contact person for each member of the party: Applicant Contact: * Phone# * Roommate Contact: Phone# Members are responsible for all their travel arrangements and health and accident insurance. Members wishing to either share a ride and/or a room can indicate so below. A list will be compiled and circulated so that interested individuals can contact one another to make their arrangements. Check all that apply: Can offer a ride Looking for a ride Looking for a roommate First SASC trip? * Yes No Comments Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.