Annual General Meeting

Ski Atlantic Seniors’ Club AGM – 2024. Thursday June 20 – Debert Hospitality Centre… Hope to see you there!!!

The Annual General Meeting of the Ski Atlantic Seniors Club has always been held in June; a social gathering is followed by a brief business meeting, dinner and entertainment.

Thanks to use of e-mail, the world wide web and Winter Words, our newsletter the Directors have worked hard to communicate and maintain contact with the members. Consequently any business or other matters related to the operation of the club are discussed and must be approved by resolution.

When the Club was small the annual general meetings were held at members cottages. Larger meeting facilities have been required as the club has grown. They have all been held in Nova Scotia at: the Shore Club at Hubbards, the Atlantic Christian Training Centre at Tatamagouche, the Faculty Club at Dalhousie University and the Debert Centre near Truro.

Information related to the date, place and time of the Annual General meetings will be published to members via our Email server and on Facebook Page at “Ski Atlantic Seniors Club.”